Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Take a Lesson from a Dog

DOG QUOTE: "Dogs don't need to meditate. No creature experiences pure joy as does a dog. We should take a lesson from them."
- Richard Wade, contributor,

The daily practices of dogs are simply not something they must THINK about. FIDO KNOWS what they are and just does them. No one has to remind her that it is time to take a nap (Murphy above certainly has the nap handled!) nor that it's time to take a walk. In fact, FIDO has an internal KNOWING for these things and like clock-work she nudges you to get the leash out and let's get walking!
However, we humans struggle with this, having to actually remind ourselves to step into a daily practice, even those daily practices that support our well-being! Learn from FIDO to naturally and habitually step into a nurturing daily practice that supports your health, especially your money health!

Money is attracted to and stays where it is welcomed!


DOG QUOTE: "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich" - Louis Sabin

There are so many things playing tug-o-war with your money emotions, pulling you this way and that. Each thing competing for your time, talent, or attention. Sometimes you get so distracted with it all that you end up bringing home something that you never truly wanted or needed, like a Sombrero from Mexico. (Ask for my article on the SOMBRERO SYNDROME - email me today with sombrero in the subject line). It is much like awakening from a deep sleep, you realize you just bought something that truly does not even fit into your lifestyle.

FIDO KNOWS that truly it is the game of tug-o-war that is where all the fun is for her. She plays to win, wants the item strongly enough that she will tug until she has it. It doesn't much matter if it has any value or if once she has it she is even interested any longer. She might run away with it, keeping it all to herself, or she may just drop it and coax others to play again. Whatever the reason, she is bound and determined to have it.

How often do you play at the game of tug-o-war with your money? Do you stop long enough to notice whether you really want the thing or if it truly fits into your lifestyle? I encourage you to learn from FIDO and do the opposite.

A Boy's Best Friend is his Dog

DOG QUOTE: "A boy's best friend is his dog." - unknown

I know it is not just boys who have best friend's as dogs. Us girls have dogs for best friends too! However, the point is not that the dog is our best friend in many cases, the point is that we humans make best friends with other things too, like CREDIT CARDS!

FIDO KNOWS that there is nothing better than a nap, a good bone to chew upon, and a human friend to rub her belly. No where on her list is CREDIT!

If you are so attached to your credit cards that they go everywhere with you, they shop with you, they go online with you, and out to lunch with you, then they are your best friend. Who else goes everywhere with you besides a best friend?

FIDO KNOWS there are far better things to befriend than a credit card! Like maybe a wonderful tree to sniff!

What is it you want?

DOG QUOTE:"I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the uninhibited creatures we might be if we weren't certain we knew better."
- George Bird Evans

One of the first things that I ask a new client is WHAT IS IT YOU WANT? Most times they look at me with anxiety or fear, usually because they do not know what they truly want or they believe they cannot have it. Yet, as FIDO KNOWS, you CAN have it all, especially when you play full out without inhibitions! The real issue is that most of us humans hold ourselves back in some way, not allowing the dream to fully form, the excitement to build, the vision to come forth, and the reality of it to come to fruition.

FIDO KNOWS that all he has to do is look cute and we humans give him whatever he wants! How hard is that?

Putting on the Dog

DOG SAYING: "Putting on the Dog." - author unknown

Putting on the dog is an expression that means to make a display of wealth or importance, especially by dressing stylishly and flashily. Although the origin of this saying is unknown, it is possible it relates to the fondness of the rich and showy for toting their tiny, pampered lapdogs around with them.

However, FIDO KNOWS that there is no need to make a public display of wealth or importance. Dressing stylishly is truly a human characteristic (although Bailey above seems to love her attire.) FIDO is perfectly happy with herself just as she is, whether that is hairless, chubby, wrinkled, or naked. She sees herself as spectacular no matter what.

Wouldn't it be lovely if we humans felt the same way? How much less fretting (and money) we would spend on impressing others! We could toss on anything and feel simply fabulous.

Let's take FIDO's word for it, and spend less time fretting on our appearance and spend less money on it too!

Monday, July 20, 2009

What Fido Knows About Money May Surprise You!

DOG QUOTE: "Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog." ~Franklin P. Jones
FIDO, the ever helpful MONEY DOG, enjoys bringing to you a fresh new way to look at money.
She loves to share her perspective on life and lighten the load with your money.

This time FIDO wants to share with you the delightful aspect of being MESSY! How fun it is to be messy and to enjoy every moment with it. She does not judge it as unacceptable or hateful. In fact, FIDO KNOWS that there is much fun in the mess of things, and a bath can solve the issue in seconds.

Her advice is to enjoy the mess, see it as a blessed relief from the sameness of day-to-day tasks & living, and 'live in the moment' as FIDO does. Do not judge the mess as negative.

Find a way to accept it as a tool to guide you to the next adventure in life.Then hop in the tub and scrub up!