DOG QUOTE: "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich" - Louis Sabin
There are so many things playing tug-o-war with your money emotions, pulling you this way and that. Each thing competing for your time, talent, or attention. Sometimes you get so distracted with it all that you end up bringing home something that you never truly wanted or needed, like a Sombrero from Mexico. (Ask for my article on the SOMBRERO SYNDROME - email me today with sombrero in the subject line). It is much like awakening from a deep sleep, you realize you just bought something that truly does not even fit into your lifestyle.
FIDO KNOWS that truly it is the game of tug-o-war that is where all the fun is for her. She plays to win, wants the item strongly enough that she will tug until she has it. It doesn't much matter if it has any value or if once she has it she is even interested any longer. She might run away with it, keeping it all to herself, or she may just drop it and coax others to play again. Whatever the reason, she is bound and determined to have it.
How often do you play at the game of tug-o-war with your money? Do you stop long enough to notice whether you really want the thing or if it truly fits into your lifestyle? I encourage you to learn from FIDO and do the opposite.

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